Pilgrim’s Passing

One year ago our beloved dog Pilgrim passed away unexpectedly. I was reflecting today on the year of “life” that has happened in these 365 days since then. Pilgrim’s passing was the first time that I had experienced the loss of an animal without guilt, fear or shaming myself for not trying to do more to keep him alive. Of course, I had been working with Danielle MacKinnon for quite some time at that point and had the value of her insight which had caused major shifts in my life.

What is so amazing to me, is that at this same time last year, my husband Jeff became really interested in taking Danielle’s Soul Level Animal Communication class. I definitely had an interest in pursuing this, but I was scared to really go for it. I thought that it would make me feel way too vulnerable to step into using my intuitive abilities. Well, long story short, Danielle offered a week long Soul Level Animal Communication class at The Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Massachusetts and we decided to jump on board! The week we spent in Kripalu diving into animal communication changed my life. I started to realize that I had been receiving intuitive information my whole life but I never understood what was happening, what to do with it, or how to manage it. That one small step to move outside my comfort zone and to bring a willingness for exploring the unknown started to shift my life in new and unexpected ways.

I could not have begun to imagine that just one short year later from that decision I would be a few weeks away from becoming a Certified Soul Level Practitioner through Danielle MacKinnon’s School of Animal Communication. So today when I remember Pilgrim, I think about the beautiful chain reaction of miracles his passing brought into my life. I look back on my life now and of course hindsight is 20/20. I can see that life was always leading me here to this moment. All of the ups and downs, struggles and victories were just stepping stones along the way and I wouldn’t change a thing. The grief and loss of my beloved dog was just another treasure trove of opportunity and possibility wrapped inside a seemingly negative experience. We are all capable of so much more than we can imagine and I am reminded that truly anything is possible if we just say YES to the life that is seeking to expand through us, with us and in us each and every day.

One of my favorite quotes from Patañjali says it best:

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

― Patañjali

Independence Day

This is the time of year when we as a nation celebrate our independence. I must admit that most years I haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about what that means for me on a personal level. Typically it has been the more surface level activities of cookouts, fireworks and noisy explosions throughout the neighborhood all hours of the night.

However, this year has been different for me. This year, I am in the midst of stepping out into the world in a whole new way. I am finding my own independence! Now I don’t want to give you the wrong impression about this….I am not moving out on my own or leaving my family. The independence that I am talking about is from a way of thinking and being in the world that I am saying goodbye to.

You see, for years I have lived a life where I believed that my safety, security and well-being were directly related to my allegiance to fitting in, not rocking the boat, and being normal….whatever normal even is. I didn’t really follow my passion so much as whatever I thought would be the path to acceptance…which I thought meant happiness. What I have learned through much trial and error in the school of hard knocks, is that true happiness and personal acceptance can only come from living your truth. Even if that truth is not the popular opinion, profession or way of being that is sanctioned by the masses. I discovered that true happiness was found by following the one and only voice that ever really mattered….my own. I had spent so many years ignoring it that at first it seemed hard to hear, but with time I could hear it and I became committed to trusting and following that voice. Regaining my independence has lead me to a life that is uniquely my own and perfect for me. Why try to live someone else’s life – just live the best version of you and happiness is sure to follow.

So take back your independence and go create a life that you would love living.

What would you be doing if you really gave yourself the freedom to be your authentic self?

Magic in Cost Rica

Eponicity is magical….joy-filled…soul stirring….life affirming…it will change you.

I had the absolute pleasure of spending a week in Costa Rica at the beautiful Leaves and Lizards retreat. I was there to take part in the Eponicity workshop facilitated by Danielle Mackinnon, Debbie Draves Legg and Sally Nilsson. I really had no idea what to expect and so I prepared as best I could by reading the definition of Eponicity on the program website:

Equine Facilitated Learning encourages us to look within ourselves to find balance, regain strength, renew spirit and rediscover our power. Horses teach us to be authentic with ourselves and within our communities. The special horses at Leaves and Lizards will lead you to a place of peace and understanding.”


I got to experience first-hand the true meaning of these words. Although I had no previous experience with horses, it was apparent that none was needed for this level of work. In ways both small and big the horses reflected back to us where we needed to heal, let go, or stand strong. Working with the horses in this intimate and personal way transported me to another way of being and experiencing life. I felt lifted above my normal way of processing life and I was able to experience the joy, peace and love that is present in the NOW of any given moment. The horses are experts at gently guiding you to live in the present moment and to experience your feelings and emotions without judgment.

This process stimulated in me a deep remembering of the truth of who I AM…a truth beyond all labels and limitations. By the end of the week, I could see myself in the way the horses saw me….as a strong capable person who can handle whatever life brings. One of the most important lessons the horses taught me is to be authentic and honest about whatever I am feeling. The horses had a superb way of demonstrating to us all why the approach of denying our feelings doesn’t work. They made it clear in every encounter, that authenticity can really be the gateway to freedom and fearless living! As I return home, I will carry with me the lessons and learning from the horses, the people I met and the magic of Costa Rica.

If you feel moved to have an experience like this for yourself, the Leaves and Lizards website link above will take you to their program page where you can view upcoming workshops.